The user is provided with the following capabilities to solve thermal-hydraulic problems in the KORSAR code:

  • data description language – DLC (Data Language for Codes);
  • DLC interpreter program;
  • nomenclature of element types and guidelines to connect them in plant nodalization schemes;
  • information field and its filling guidelines;
  • functionality architecture and general control program.

The DLC mnemonic language is used to generate an input file with information about problem topology and single-valuedness conditions.  

The DLC interpreter program is part of the code and intended to process the input file, perform syntactic and semantic check of input data, generate diagnostic messages, fill information fields, and generate commands.

The code information field is a set of COMMON blocks. They are filled with information that results from processing of the input file and contains comprehensive data about all elements of the nodalization scheme, connections between these elements, and control actions for solving the problem.  

The control program is used to sequentialize the activation of the functional program modules in accordance with the calculation procedure and topological connections between the elements. This program is also used for

  • implementation of control actions during problem solution;
  • generation of save files for restart;
  • generation of input files.

All KORSAR’s software is portable across different computer architectures and operating systems. The only constraint on the successful application of KORSAR software is that an operating system must have a FORTRAN-77 compiler.  

The KORSAR code does not need recompilation on computers. Its software and functionality adequately support user inputs for the setup and solution of transient thermal-hydraulic problems used in dynamic calculations of diverse water-cooled nuclear reactor geometries and other power facilities.